Sep 8, 2009

Slackbaba - ...And The Beat Goes Om...

Here is my first review. I don’t have much experience so sorry if it’s very amateurish, I should improve as I write more :)

I’m always up for checking out an artist I have never heard of, especially when they are known for making psychill. Slackbaba was recommended to me on so after a while I decided to listen to his album.

...And The Beat Goes Om...
is an easy to listen to album and is very re-playable. On my first listen I wasn’t sure what to think because it is a little lighter compared to most albums in the same genre, but it grew on me very fast. While none of the tracks actually stand out that much the whole thing melts perfectly together. The album is pretty up-tempo compared to other psychill releases and you won’t find many ambient moments except for the first track which has a very beautiful intro. The only minus is that some of the tracks are a little too repetitive, but I guess after three listens in a row you would get that impression with any album. Expect some very interesting samples. Psychill and dub lovers will find everything they like about this kind of music on this release and some more, because unlike some other artists Slackbaba has his own distinctive style. This is definitely one of the best psychill/psydub albums I have heard in months and deserves way more recognition. Let’s hope he will release another album soon because this one is a real gem.

Rating: 4.5/5
Standout tracks:
1, 2, 8
Genre: Psyschill, Dub

Release info:

Label: Liquid Records
United Kingdom
June 2006
Artwork By -
Mastered By - Kevin Metcalfe
Producer, Written-By - Jonathan Smith


1. A Drop in the Ocean
2. Drink More Tea
3. Sea of Green
4. Long Sunny Daze
5. The Golden Apple
6. Metatron’s sugar cube
7. And the beat goes om
8. Fruit of Mahoot



  1. Nice find :) The whole album is very enjoyable.

  2. Good review.

    This was my top album of 2006. I still listen to it probably 3 or 4 times a month. It still sounds completely novel and fresh to my ears and am chomping at the bit for another album of his.

    Drink More Tea, Long Sunny Daze and Metatron's Sugar Cube are my top 3 tracks on the album.
